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bookshelfOne of the ways we seek to help our adjunct community is to provide you with valuable reading material that will inform your job search and your work.  Currently, we have selected 17 books that we find valuable and have listed them on the AdjunctWorld Bookshelf.

Our newest addition is titled:  Secrets to Successful College Teaching:  How to Earn a Great Living and Be a Great College Teacher.  It is written by Jo Macek, one of our AdjunctWorld community members!

I’ve read Jo’s book and I find it to be a helpful guidebook for people beginning their adjunct teaching careers–especially those wanting to work online.  The book is organized in an easy-to-read format.  She lists useful tips and vital tricks-of-the-trade that cluster under chapter headings.  She follows the adjunct on his or her journey, discussing how to find work, how to manage that work, and then how to keep that work.  This is not an academic piece.  Jo speaks from her experience and seems to be having a sit-down with the adjunct.

The book is currently listed on for 12.99 in paperback form.

Do you have any suggestions for the AdjunctWorld Bookshelf?  Have you read any of these books and want to mention something about it to our audience?  Submit a comment below!


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