AdjunctWorld Premium Membership Benefits
With an affordable monthly subscription, you get curated online teaching job alerts, professional development course discounts, access to premium content, and more!
Brooke Shriner
AdjunctWorld Premium Members currently enjoy these exclusive benefits:
Personalized Job Alerts
Receive emails notifying you when online teaching jobs are listed on AdjunctWorld in disciplines that you select. You can select five discipline areas for which to receive email alerts. This maximizes the number of leads you receive while still ensuring that these leads are relevant to you.
Human eyes look at every one of our job listings to ensure they are specifically relevant to you. For example, want online-only teaching jobs in the area of Business? That's what you will get. Let us weed out the riff-raff and make sure you are getting leads on exactly the kind of job you want!
Extra Discount on Our Professional Development Courses
Premium members enjoy an automatic 40% off when they register for any of our professional development courses.
OT 101: Fundamentals of Online Teaching. Premium members will receive 40% off** when they enroll in any section of our 4-week, online, asynchronous, interactive, and instructor-led certificate course covering today's best practices in distance education.
OnRamp: A Practical Guide to Landing an Online Teaching Job. Premium members also receive 40% off** when they enroll in this 4-week, instructor-led walk-through of the online teaching job finding process - one that includes a professional CV/cover letter review, a fully reviewed statement of teaching philosophy, strategic cover letter and interview planning, and so much more. All of your questions about the process of finding an online teaching job will be answered in this online course and you will have access to the instructor throughout your job application process.
CD501: Foundations of Online Course Development. Premium members will also enjoy an automatic 40% off** when they enroll in this 6-week, instructor-led, fully online and asynchronous certificate course which prepares you to create an effective, student-centered course, from the ground up, in any discipline. You will leave CD501 with your own online course very near completion!
Premium Content
AdjunctWorld periodically releases content that will support and inform your online teaching job search. Some of these articles are open to the public in the blog, some are available to the AdjunctWorld community, and others are earmarked exclusively as premium content.
Special Offers
As we continue to develop our professional development curriculum and services, premium members will always receive a special offer or discount.
Premium Placement
When a school comes directly to AdjunctWorld looking for adjuncts to fill a position, our premium members are alerted via their job alerts first. Premium members who have successfully completed OT101 may receive a personal recommendation depending on their performance in the course.
How to Join
Subscriptions are available for an affordable monthly price ($12 a month). You can cancel your subscription at any time either through the downgrade request link on our site or by emailing Brooke.
Here’s how to subscribe:
- Log in to AdjunctWorld.
- Click on your name in the upper right corner and click Member Settings
- Make sure the disciplines you've selected are the ones you want to receive alerts for (you can choose 5!).
- Click the ‘Upgrade’ link.
- Follow the instructions on the payment page.
** Note: Premium discounts do not combine with any other promo codes or discounts.